The Merrill's

Saturday, March 23, 2013

A rare day off.

I just want to start out with saying that it's now almost 11'am and I am not in an apron, i'm not waiting tables, and i'm not even cleaning bathrooms! I am OFF TODAY! Wooohooo! 

Sorry, that doesn't happen often. Just a slight update-I work all the time...annnnd that's about it. Oh, and i've still been trying to train for Ragnar! It's been hard, but good! 

I have a couple of theme's in mind for this blog post. Firstly, I want to broach a nasty review Gia's got the other day. This "review" was about 7 paragraphs long and the first 3 were complaining about completely irrelevant things that could have been fixed if the guest had simply just mentioned that they were unhappy with something and we would have fixed it right off the bat. However, finally we got to the real reason they were complaining about 5 down which is when they went on an on about the %18 gratuity that was charged to their discounted bill. 

This is restaurant policy. We do not do this to try and make someone "feel like a thief" or "to be robbed of tipping on their own". We do this because on a discounted, split, or large party table the bill gets to be really high, and people don't feel like they should reward their server for the service they provided. Don't even get me started on that subject-that's a whole other blog post. 

Secondly, I have a roommate that flat out does not talk to two of us that live here. She leaves her stuff out, doesn't clean up after herself, and just basically lives as if she's the only one here. Tired of picking up after her, I simply left a note asking her nicely to just please put her dirty dishes in the (now empty) dishwasher, and throw her wrappers away. Apparently that was an extreme task because she responded with stomping, slamming, and grumping around the apartment for the weekend. 

I want to introduce both of these situations to one word: communication. 

Okay, so maybe i'm a huge communicator, and if something is bothering me, or making me happy-people are going to know about it! I pride myself of voicing my opinion to whomever I feel like I need to, and i've really been working on doing it more softly. However, when people just expect things to be done the way they want them to be without communicating them-chances are they're probably not going to happen! 
We all know what happens when we assume, right? 

Here's the other thing though, why is it so hard to give positive feedback? The only time you hear any type is when it's negative. It's just like how the world views people. "They're weird , "They are so annoying when they do this".... 

What ever happened to not judging a book by it's cover? Don't get me wrong, i'm just as guilty with this as the next guy. I am a human-we judge. However I bet it takes just as much effort to judge harshly than to try and get to know the good things about people, no matter how annoying they are. 

"To effectively communicate, we must realize that we are all different in the way we previce the world and use this understanding as a guide to our communication with others. -Anthony Robbins

Anyway, that's my rant for the week. Here's to hoping it's your day off as well and you're enjoying it!

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